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Previous Projects

Boards and Commissions Leadership Institute

Providing leadership skills to marginalized communities while supporting their involvement with local boards, commissions, and other leadership positions.


Community Development Action Team

Co-facilitated community development action team meetings throughout 2018. The objective of the CDAT is to discuss land use policy in the Building Healthy Communities Zone. This space was used to create a centralized conversation about environmental justice in Sacramento.

Sacramento Urban Ag Coalition

Worked to promote urban farming through workshops and stakeholder convenings, leading into an urban farmer accelerator program (252 Accelerator)


Coordinated June 2018 Transportation Equity Summit for TransFORM, which promotes transportation advocacy for all at the statewide level.

ClimatePlan Partner Retreat

Coordinated Climateplan quarterly meetings and statewide partner retreats since 2016. Convenings focused on bringing equity into Sustainable Community Strategies and other climate policies. Partner retreats were planned in different cities year to year, including San Diego, Oakland, Sacramento, and Fresno.

Students For InClusive Communities: Photovoice project

Coordinated Climateplan quarterly meetings and statewide partner retreats since 2016. Convenings focused on bringing equity into Sustainable Community Strategies and other climate policies. Partner retreats were planned in different cities year to year, including San Diego, Oakland, Sacramento, and Fresno.

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